Spring has Sprung!

It has been a busy Spring thus far with COVID-19 striking out against us. It can sometimes feel like defeat with the changes we’ve made to adapt to the unknown circumstances surrounding our work and our lives right now. We have lost folks we know and also those who have survived, and we know firsthand that we are dealing with a monster in our midst. And the very harsh reality is that it isn’t going away any time soon, so we must adjust to that fact. Denial is too dangerous at this point. However, there is good news: we can control our own outcome. There is enough information now to know what we all must do to stay well.

Staying well means staying home as often as possible. Staying well means getting fresh air and sunlight, taking walks, planting gardens, sticking to the good old-fashioned basics. It also means that we need to rely on local food sources, local mom & pop shops, and local farmers’ markets to meet our basic needs, as we should always do, even in times of normalcy.

How does an economy survive a worldwide pandemic? ‘By sticking to the basics and staying local with the monies you were destined to spend anyway.  And if you feel you need a special item to treat yourself, buy it locally. And if you can’t get it locally, do you really need it or want it that badly? Always consider this. Many local businesses have online stores you can shop, and soon, we’ll be helping to make these local purchases easier for you with our own new platform.

As businesses, mostly non-local (like big box retail stores and restaurants with outdoor seating), are re-opening all around us, it’s important to use your own best judgment and realize it’s happening due to economic concerns, not because it’s truly safe to be open. And that’s a scary fact that needs acknowledgment. 

So many folks are more than ready to get back to the way things were, pre-COVID, but the reality is this re-opening is just encouraging the virus to spread while we try to piece back together our old lives for comfort. It’s a risky reality we all face. And predictions have already been made that COVID-19 will be making a big comeback this Fall and Winter. And how can that happen? Folks who don’t believe in COVID-19, or just want to get back to their old lives quickly, will cause it to spread more and circulate through the season of Summer. So, we ask again that you use your very best judgment to stay safe and to keep your neighbors and friends safe, too, whether or not you “believe in COVID.” 

We appreciate your care for others and your dedication to keeping you and your family healthy and strong all season long. We will continue to do our best to keep our work clean and get food to you via delivery service, our Farm Stand, and at the local farmers’ markets, so you can continue to get the best nutrition for your bodies. 

As always, we thank you for your dedication and support, and we look forward to continuing to serve you.  

With Love,

 Your Farmers, Jess & Jeff, and the Crew

Jessica Stone