Cold Spring Farm
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Join our CSA today! Pickup or delivery options available.

where food and nature

Grow Together


welcome to our farm

We're Proud Of What We Do


We work outdoors and we grow new life, and we harvest it for our family, friends and neighbors who believe in our passion for good, healthy food.  Whether you are a farm stand shopper, a CSA shareholder, or a farmers' market goer, we are happy to know you and appreciate your support in doing the work we love.   

Thank you for visiting our website. Please check back often to read our blog and to see what's happening as we expand our offerings throughout the year. See you on the farm!


meet your farmers

Jeff & Jess

Jeff and Jess met like any truly modern farmers do - at a farmers’ market, of course. The one place they get out to! Jess was operating Cold Spring Farm as a business of her own and Jeff was helping lead the charge on the market. Both were asked to coordinate the market even though they had never met prior to that. It was his bright smile, tanned skin and green ‘RECYCLE’ t-shirt that caught her attention. It was her pigtails, cheeky smile and overalls that caught his. It was their farm-related interests that got them talking before they sealed a partnership and their desire to grow a sustainable future in farming that made them inseparable. It is their love of family, their love of community, and their love of all things farming that helped create this life they now share. And each season their love grows...

Photos by Winter Caplanson (Connecticut Food & Farm)

Photos by Winter Caplanson (Connecticut Food & Farm)

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why cold spring farm

Grows With Nature

Simply put: It's good for everyone!  For the health of all the earth's inhabitants as well as for the health of the earth itself, this is the only way to grow real food. If we pay attention to nature, and work with it, we reap the harvest of health. If we use what nature provides to build our soil health and grow our food, the results are astounding and best of all, delicious. On a microbiological level, we are feeding an active soil teeming with life that provides the nutrients our plants need to produce the 'fruit,' which is a byproduct of our true wealth -- the soil. 



Work Share with Cold Spring Farm

Join the Farmers in the daily work on the farm in exchange for a share of fresh vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruits! Your weekly commitment of time determines the size of the share you receive.

How gratifying would it be to reap what you’ve sown right here on the farm? No matter the task, life here is all about the farm. It’s the day-to-day experiences that will engage you and sometimes surprise you! There is something for everyone here at Cold Spring Farm and it’s a small commitment to make for a bounty of wholesome farm produce and fresh experiences.  

Would you like to apply? EMAIL US.